Jessyka Castillo: My Mental Health Decline Saved My Entire Life
Written by Rey White
Photography by Erika Kolakowski
Hair by Johana Garcia | Chelsea Rae Salon
Wardrobe by Taneisha Grant
Makeup by Patty Cordón
Stories of achievement can often be driven by the toughest moments, and Jessyka Castillo, is living proof of that.
After witnessing her mental health drastically decline—taking a toll on both her well-being and finances—this Afro-Latina entrepreneur began creating new habits that completely transformed her life. That’s how Fitness and Financial Gains came to life.
Her project, which has now grown into a community promoting both physical health and financial freedom, has since evolved to include an inclusive activewear line. Get to know her story below!
TM: In 2022 you started to experience a mental health decline. Can you take us back to that time and share what you were experiencing?
Jessyka: Wow, what a way to start. Such a sad day.
I struggled greatly because I didn’t actually know where my mental health decline was coming from because I have a loving family and a successful career. But the moment in which I realized indefinitely there was an issue was at my birthday party. I got there an hour late and I was already completely intoxicated. That had become my norm over time. I didn’t realize that I was really just drinking to numb my anxiety.
The party was so loud and there were so many things going on. I was overwhelmed with anxiety. And to still feel that way in the company of my own friends was challenging for me to process. I was so disassociated with my environment. My friend had taken a picture of me. It never leaves my mind. It was like I was sleeping at the party.
I don’t remember exactly what happened, but I know that I ended up going home by myself. One of my friends had put me in an Uber. When I woke up, I started getting all these phone calls from my friends, saying, "Wow, you were really messed up last night." And they kept pointing out how much I had drunk.
And I thought about how no one was there to make sure I even got home safe. If you guys saw me that intoxicated, why wasn’t anybody concerned?
And in that moment, I realized my environment was not conducive to my well-being.
TM: You started Fitness and Financial Gains as a way to combat this decline. Tell us how it came about?
Jessyka: Whenever I would start feeling depressed I would watch documentaries. And there was one with Denzel Washington. He was about to start exploring Broadway and people were asking him "Why do you go so hard?” "You’re Denzel.” Why are you doing this? And he said, "The biggest regret in my life would be for the ghost of my what-ifs to be haunting me on my deathbed." That impacted me.
From there, I went to my whiteboard session, and I started to draw out a mastermind. I started to ask “what are my what-ifs?” I didn’t think about goals, because I was already a successful person. I went to one of the best colleges and grad school, I was a publicist and worked for major companies. Then I went into engineering, and I’m doing very well in that realm.
But what I was missing was my self-care, my mental health. So I put on the board: What if I was in the best physical shape? What if I was in the best financial place of my life? That’s how Fitness and Financial Gains came about. It was just a moment of clarity that changed and shifted my life.
TM: It can often be hard to find stylish, size-inclusive fitness apparel. Was this a turning point that made you decide to create your own apparel line?
Jessyka: Working out is part of our lifestyle in Miami. There were always these really cute, vibrant color options for everyone else, but not for the XL girl. Everything I found would be in black, navy or gray. If they did have a size 5X, it always had patterns and flowers, which are not flattering for plus-size women.
I’m a confident person. I don’t mind showing my waistline—I’ll wear a crop top. I like my body. But the options out in the marketplace actually covered you up, which does not promote Body Positivity. So that lack in the marketplace drove me to say, I’m just gonna do what I want. I picked out a couple of inspirations, and I brought them to my design team, and I asked, How do we make this for me?
And in that journey, I learned that inclusivity also looks like an extra small, 40-year-old woman who doesn’t want to go to Walmart or shop in the kids' section to wear activewear clothes. That’s why we extended from extra small to 3X. In the future, I’m looking to go up to 5X. That's some of the feedback I’ve been getting now and we take it seriously.
TM: Tell us more about the financial pillar of your brand. What inspired this part of your brand?
Jessyka: My own financial decline is the inspiration. During my mental health decline, I used my finances to help me feel better. So, I was impulsive shopping. I was overspending my money, and I had accumulated about $30,000 worth of debt. So, as I was getting my mind right through movement, I never forgot about my commitment to my finances that I had put on my mastermind. I got a financial planner, and we built systems to get me out of debt.
I left my apartment downtown, moved in with my parents, and started Airbnb-ing my apartment until my lease was done. I saved all this money for six months, paid off all my debt and then I bought a house. My credit score went up 120 points. It’s something that I really work hard on. I know what it's like to have a well-paying job and to be successful and still be depressed and in overwhelming debt.
After that I started providing mastermind sessions to small business owners, peers and colleagues to help them get out of debt. But Financial Gains doesn't just talk about debt relief. It really helps you map out systems that will get you to accomplish your "what ifs". And you're also doing it in community. So, It means being open and vulnerable when talking about your finances with no judgement. It doesn't matter whether you're a CEO and have small business challenges, or if you're an everyday person and just kind of need some advice about what's the first step. We have conversations about taxes, trademarks and things people would recommend. We also bring in professionals and experts that are honest and relatable and people who will treat you with care and handle you based on where you are at the moment. That's big for me.
TM: How has your community played a key role in your physical, financial and mental well being?
Jessyka: Fitness and Financial Gains has made me really comfortable and supported, knowing that I have a group of people who are on this journey with me. My community has really allowed me to be vulnerable and share. We pull on each other's strengths, and if there's a gap somewhere, I can count on my community to give me guidance. I never feel alone, even when I'm by myself, because I know I have community, and that's critical.
I don't take the relationships I have in my life for granted, And I pay it forward. I’m actively looking to support others and check on their physical, financial, and mental well-being. That, to me, is the epitome of community. To leave people better than you found them.
TM: What message would you give to women who feel discouraged about starting their fitness journey because they don’t see themselves represented in fitness spaces?
Jessyka: Gyms tend to be fat-phobic places. You can get intimidated if you don't know how to work the weight room, or even when you're in a fitness class. So, when you're thinking about your physical wellness, be very careful not to compare yourself. Sometimes you can say, “Oh, this is my ideal body,” and you don’t even have that body type or frame. So, you’re comparing or aspiring to unrealistic expectations.
The people I followed on Instagram were girls that resembled my size and my fitness capacity. And when I saw them keep going, and when I saw their body changes that really helped me psychologically. So, I would say, look for folks that look like you and that are doing the thing you want to do. And no matter what, be very intentional. Remember that food is just as important. Go to a nutritionist or get a meal prep plan. When you get this plan, if you fall off, just start again. Every day, you get to start again. This is a continuous process. Make sure that your why is really based on something that you want and not something you’re comparing yourself to.
TM: Your best piece of advice for those who are on their mental health journey?
Jessyka: Nothing is happening to you; it's all happening for you. My mental health decline saved my entire life. It exposed to me that the people closest to me were not in alignment with my growth plan and I wasn't headed in the right direction. I was trying to force a cube into a circle.
Also, communicate when you need help. I frequently call my friends and tell them I'm experiencing a mild depression right now. Can you please check up on me? Make sure you're communicating what you're working through. Their awareness allows them to show up for you. It doesn't even have to be your closest friend. Sometimes, strangers can be the most helpful people and remind you that you're alive at the time when you feel like you're not. There's things we need to work through, but it gets better. Your life is worth living.
To learn more about Jessyka or join one of her activities go to and @fitnessfinancialgains on Instagram
Want to see more from Jessyka’s photoshoot? Click here to check out the entire Edition 3 of TESÓN MAGAZINE.